I'm already sleepy but I have to stay up with my T. He is trying to finish on a report for work while here I am surfing, finishing tasks and then reading up on safe diuretics. I would suggest you don't ask me on why I'm reading on it. Hopefully, T gets to finish on what he is doing soon so we can already sleep. I'm keeping my fingers crossed also that the little one sleeps through the night. That would surely make me one happy mommy.
Jan 22, 2011
World Market
One of my favorite stores is world market. They sell everything. From furniture's, home decors, accessories, wines, food from everywhere and kitchen stuff. I love going here especially if I'm buying gifts. I made a quick visit today to buy the book about how to suppress appetite that I saw last week to give to T's friend who's been trying to lose weight. Other than the book I ended up buying a few other things.

The cashier was probably laughing at me as I was paying for my goodies as I bought a book about suppressing appetite but bought a lot of chocolates as well.
Good Housekeeping
Over the holidays, I was able to sign up for a one year subscription of Good housekeeping for only $5! It was such a steal. I now look forward to my monthly magazine. I love the new finds I see especially for this month's issue they did acne body wash reviews, somthing I badly need so I headed to order a bottle immediately online. I have to say, so far so good. I'm liking the results. T said we might have saved on the magazine subscription but that it looks like it will turn out to be more expensive since I will want to buy a lot of the things they feature.
Tiring Saturday
Today was a tiring day as we were out almost the whole day. I woke up really early as the little one decided he didn't want to sleep anymore at around 6am. Luckily, he took a nap before 8am so I got the chance to nap also. He woke up again 30 mins later. We then decided to go out to have some breakfast. Then we looked for a receipt printer and some other gifts to bring back home. We went home to rest for like an hour and then went out again to go to the mall and then have dinner. The little one's schedule is all messed up as his naps were really short but we took the chance of going out today as T is going to work tomorrow. I'm just glad little one is now sleeping and I get the chance to finish my online tasks.
I've been up for almost an hour now. It's very early still especially since it's a saturday. The little one has decided he is no longer sleepy and that he wants to get out of our room and play in his room. As I type this, he is having fun under his playmat and I'm looking for articles on how does lipozene work. I would probably still have 20 mins of alone time before he starts crying and wants to do something else. Hmm...maybe I'm wrong because he already is screaming. Time to go and to attend to the little one. Happy Saturday!
Jan 21, 2011
HP batteries
When I thought I could sleep early, T wants me to look for the cheapest hp batteries online. He actually asked me to do this for him early this week but a baby takes up most of my time. He is lucky, the little one is already sleeping so I can order the batteries for him. He badly needs this for work. He uses an HP at work and he badly needs to change the battery already. Hopefully the items are delivered early next week or else I would need to check best buy for one by Wednesday.
Time Flies
I was cleaning up my hard drives, backing up pictures and deleting files I don't really need. I was looking at the pictures of my niece and nephew and in just a year they have changed a lot. I'm not going to be surprised if the same happens to my little one. I myself have changed a lot. All that pregnancy weight I have to lose. That's my goal for the next 2 months. I'm not sure if it's something I can achieve but I will try. sigh!
Birthday Gift
I had a very quiet celebration of my 32nd birthday. My SIL took me out to lunch and then I spent the afternoon with her and her kids. We then met up with T for dinner. T got me a wok and a sony network media player for my birthday gifts. I told him if this was his way of telling me that we should get rid of our cable tv already. I tried the media player earlier and signed up for hulu plus. It was ok. I didn't like that it had commercials though. I would try Netflix next after my free subscription with hulu ends. I told him that we should now get movie theater seats so that watching movies will be more fun. Maybe we should get a good popcorn maker too. :D
I'm counting the days until we board the plane and we go on a month long vacation. I make sure I'm busy everyday so as I won't feel for the days to be long. Today, the baby and I went to the mall again. I just wanted to walk around and had no plans of buying anything but still ended up buying a cigar humidor for my uncle. I know he has been wanting one for a long time and since it's his bday on the week we arrive, I decided to get him one. I'm sure he'll be really happy.
We still don't have anything planned for the weekend other than having to clean our house. T has to work on Sunday though. He's been very busy at work something I don't really like but I don't really have a choice. At least, we have a vacation to look forward too after his busy schedule at work.
Happy Weekend!
We still don't have anything planned for the weekend other than having to clean our house. T has to work on Sunday though. He's been very busy at work something I don't really like but I don't really have a choice. At least, we have a vacation to look forward too after his busy schedule at work.
Happy Weekend!
Jan 19, 2011
I'm excited and looking forward to February! I have a lot of things to do in the coming days especially with finalizing "tornado's" baptism. I also have to finish all the things I have to buy for family and friends back home. I did some online shopping earlier--thank God for Amazon. No tax and free shipping. I still have to get the weight loss pills that my cousin wants me to get her. She has read many good reviews plus it's not that expensive. She has tried different kinds of weight loss pills already sadly none of those have worked for her so hopefully this will. I have an long busy day ahead of me again tomorrow. I'm not complaining though. The days go by sooo much faster when I'm super busy.
online shopping,
weight loss
Korean BBQ
I was craving for korean food and since T is a good husband, he gave in to my craving and brought me to a korean bbq restaurant for dinner. We had so much fun cooking and then eating. T told me I should look into natural supplements for weight loss. It's funny how we always talk about losing weight and yet we end up eating so much especially during the weekends. It's just a good think we both try to eat less during the week. We just love discovering new restaurants and that is why we always end up eating out during the weekends.
I seriously need weight loss pills that work! It's been 3 months since I gave birth and I still have to lose 15lbs. I still can't wear my pre-pregnancy clothes. With a vacation coming really soon, I need to lose weight soon since vacations also mean weight gain. lol. I've been cutting down on carbs but I'm having a hard time on not eating sweets. I love chocolates. Add junk foods to that. I've been trying to exercise. Not easy but little steps and I know I will get to my desired weight.
Online Jobs
I have not worked in a formal office setting in a very long time. The last I think was in 2007, right before I took the local nursing board exam. After I took the boards, I started working from home for an Australia based company. I did that for 2 years and for over a year I've just been staying at home and earning a little through blogging. I've been looking for work online and even without formal accounting experience, I've been offered accounting jobs. I had to turn down offers though as I can't really go back to "work" since I have to care for "tornado". Doing that alone is a full-time job! I hope that one day soon, I can go back full-time to working. But for now, I'm surely enjoying taking care of my family.
Jan 15, 2011
I want to be a...
millionaire, yes! a wrestler, no. But I would have admit I love watching WWE. T can't understand on why I like it and says that it's all fake. I know that it is fake but I still enjoy watching it. I get to watch less of it now though.
Uhm, back to being a millionaire. I was watching Selling New York on TV last night. and huge condominiums selling for millions! I told T that if we were rich, I would surely buy one. I have not been to New York but that city is on my list of places to go to. Maybe when Elijah's bigger we can go.
Uhm, back to being a millionaire. I was watching Selling New York on TV last night. and huge condominiums selling for millions! I told T that if we were rich, I would surely buy one. I have not been to New York but that city is on my list of places to go to. Maybe when Elijah's bigger we can go.
real estate,
Jan 12, 2011
2nd Year Anniversary
We didn't really plan anything for our second year wedding anniversary. We just came back from a mini-vacation over the Christmas break so that sort of was our early anniversary celebration. We didn't really get any gifts from other people this year for our anniversary. I remember getting clocks first anniversary gifts last year. It was nice and quiet for us this year.
Random Stuff
-It has been cold (for me at least) for me but I know I should still be thankful as we don't get to experience blizzards like the other parts of the country.
-The shooting that happened in Arizona is really sad. Totally senseless killing. I'm just glad that the government is taking steps into making sure that their are stricter laws with regards to buying guns and even with blackhawk holsters.
-My heart goes out also to those affected by the flooding in Australia. Watching it on TV kinda reminded me of Ondoy in the Philippines. to
-With all this happening around the world, it makes me not want to watch news.
-The shooting that happened in Arizona is really sad. Totally senseless killing. I'm just glad that the government is taking steps into making sure that their are stricter laws with regards to buying guns and even with blackhawk holsters.
-My heart goes out also to those affected by the flooding in Australia. Watching it on TV kinda reminded me of Ondoy in the Philippines. to
-With all this happening around the world, it makes me not want to watch news.
Post Christmas Shopping
Loving the after Christmas sale. I thought shopping would end with the end of the season but I was wrong. A lot of the stores are still on sale! Love.it. I was able to buy 2 cousins digital cameras and other gifts for family and friends back home. We have already filled 2 boxes to be sent home but it seems like we need to get another box as we still have more items here at home. I won't even be surprised if the husband bans me from going to the malls soon. lol.
Jan 10, 2011
I have been seriously craving for taho for the longest time so it was a pleasant surprise for me upon learning that the Chowking we have here sells taho. It was a gloomy and cold Monday afternoon when T and I with tornado went out to pick up the policy for my Uncle's NC health insurance and then headed to Chowking branch in Cerritos for some taho. I also had arroz caldo with tofu. It was perfect to eat with the cold weather. I really enjoyed my taho and it tasted as how I imagined it to. yum!
Jan 7, 2011
Last day of the working week of the first week of the year. The week went by so fast, but I'm not complaining. It has been a good week for us. T went back to work Tuesday meaning we had an extra day of vacation. That was just perfect because I had someone to look after tornado while I finished on my chores and also finish on the personalized note cards to be sent out to family and friends. This has been long overdue! Been trying to squeeze this in our busy schedule. I 've already mastered the art of multi-tasking over the past few weeks and I have to say I'm getting better at it.
My very first post for the new year. I would've wanted to post on the first day of the year but I've been pretty busy for the past few days. Especially since I had to help an uncle look for a Maritime Lawyer. The start of the year has been good. That only means the whole year is going to be great. Positive thoughts to start the year. I'm looking forward to what 2011 has in store for my family. 2010 has been really good and we got a really great gift, Tornado. It was life changing having him but it has been a good change. I hope all of you had a wonderful New Year and cheers to a great 2011!
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