Dec 5, 2007

i love mitch albom. my favorite books of all time are all written by him. the past two days were spent watching on you tube tuesday's with morrie (which was produced by oprah winfrey) and the five people you meet in heaven. love them. of course the book is better than the movie but just the same still loved them. as i was browsing through oprah's website i discovered that mitch albom's latest book for one more day has been turned into a movie also and is to premier on sunday. God how i wish i could watch. i would just have to search for it online i guess after sunday. the trailer alone would make you cry! if you have not read the book, you might want to add it on your christmas wish list or maybe buy yourself a copy. it is a must read. im posting a trailer of the movie, grabbed from you tube. you'll love it.

from the movie:
When someone is in your heart, they're never truly gone. They can come back to you even at unlikely times.

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