lately i have gotten to realize how important it is to make investments. saving money in the bank alone is not a very wise form of investment because of the very low interest rate being offered by banks. i would suggest that one look into other forms of investments like shares of stocks. it's easy to get in touch with a broker and check for your stock options. study the market carefully and check of what are the good companies to invest in. with the stock market though, you'll have to carefully watch the market. it's not a form of investment that you forget because before you know it you would have lost money already.
im not an expert when it comes to saving money because honestly i don't have one right now. i have invested my money to nursing school. going back to school even with my parents help has depleted whatever savings i have but im not complaining. i know it was all worth it. i think it's the best investment i have ever made.
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