Oct 28, 2007
home theater
my dad has been wanting to get a Bose home theater for the family room. his wish is to come true and not only is my dad happy but me as well. we have been wanting to purchase a home theater but my dad was very keen on purchasing one. he wanted to make sure he buys something he really wants. this is a really early christmas gift.
Oct 25, 2007
no starbucks planner for me next year. i will be using a moleskine planner for a change. i saw the planner at fully booked and immediately fell in love with it. the one i originally wanted was out of stock when i bought mine online, so i just bought the twin set. i can't wait for january 2008 to start.
online shopping,
i am rich! woohoo. i heart opps. i have money to spend in boracay. best of all, i have money for christmas shopping. love it. love it.
before you guys panic, the money im holding is in $20 denomination but is converted to Php2*,***. it would have been more but i have spent some of the money i earned buying things online and a few more $$$ are left in the paypal account. happy.happy.happy!
money talk,
personal ramblings
Oct 24, 2007
who watches marimar? i do! hahaha. when it first started, i didn't really watch it but i started watching about three weeks ago. when it's marimar being shown on tv, i stop studying and just watch tv. addict! super funny also the scenes with fulgoso (marimar's dog). i really hope though that they stick to the original story line. yes, i also watched marimar before sa channel 9 staring thalia. hahaha!
moving out!
my cousins are moving to a new house. they are actually moving from california to colorado. they have acquired a lot of things already and have decide to just bring most of their stuff with them instead of buying new furnitures for the colorado house. i could only imagine how tedious the move is going to be. not only tedious but stressful also. they have gotten the services of International Movers to help them move to their new home. they are getting the same company they got when they moved from florida to california a few years back, so they are pretty much confident everything will proceed without major problems.
a tag/question from kathy....
Are you a morning or a night person?
hmmm, let me think. their are times i could a lot of stuff in the morning. but their are also times i feel so sleepy in the morning and get things done by night. maybe it depends on the paid opps coming in! teehee. lately, i sleep late and wake up really early also. so i would say both.
Are you a morning or a night person?
hmmm, let me think. their are times i could a lot of stuff in the morning. but their are also times i feel so sleepy in the morning and get things done by night. maybe it depends on the paid opps coming in! teehee. lately, i sleep late and wake up really early also. so i would say both.
Oct 23, 2007
no costume....
again, a problem for me. we have a halloween party on the 27th of october and i still have no costume. i have found so many cute costume's for kids, but i have not found anything for me. i have thought of this party but im the one without costume yet. i only have 3 more days left to come up with a costume. any ideas?
love for trucks
my cousin has asked me to help him look for truck bed liner for his truck since he does not have an internet connection. i have seen a lot of good ones online at a really good price. i really don't know anything about trucks, as in nada, zilch. but i had to do this for my cousin and so i did. surprisingly, i had fun. i enjoyed going over the truck accessories available online. when he came over this evening i showed him everything i saw and the choices available. good thing it was not me buying the truck accessories because i really would not know what to get.
heart of the matter...season 4 episode 4
meridith grey:
In life only one thing is certain, apart from death and taxes: No matter how hard you try, no matter how good your intentions, you are going to make mistake. You are going to hurt people. You are going to get hurt. And if you ever want to recover, theres really only one thing you can say...Forgive and forget. That's what they say. It's good advice, but it's not very practical. When someone hurts us, we want to hurt them back. When someone wrongs us, we want to be right. Without forgiveness old scores never settle. Old wounds never heal, and the most we can hope for is that someday we'll be lucky enough to forget.
In life only one thing is certain, apart from death and taxes: No matter how hard you try, no matter how good your intentions, you are going to make mistake. You are going to hurt people. You are going to get hurt. And if you ever want to recover, theres really only one thing you can say...Forgive and forget. That's what they say. It's good advice, but it's not very practical. When someone hurts us, we want to hurt them back. When someone wrongs us, we want to be right. Without forgiveness old scores never settle. Old wounds never heal, and the most we can hope for is that someday we'll be lucky enough to forget.
let the truth sting...season 4 episode 3
meridith grey:
Doctors give patients a number of things. We give them medicine, we give them advice and, most of the time, we give them our undivided attention. But, by far, the hardest thing you can give a patient is the truth. The truth is hard. The truth is awkward and very often the truth hurts. I mean, people think they want the truth. But do they really?
The truth is painful. Deep down nobody wants to hear it, especially when it hits close to home. Sometimes we tell the truth because the truth is all we have to give. Sometimes we tell the truth because we need to say it outloud to hear it for ourselves. And sometimes we tell the truth because we just can't help ourselves. Sometimes, we tell them because we owe them at least that much.
i so can relate!
Doctors give patients a number of things. We give them medicine, we give them advice and, most of the time, we give them our undivided attention. But, by far, the hardest thing you can give a patient is the truth. The truth is hard. The truth is awkward and very often the truth hurts. I mean, people think they want the truth. But do they really?
The truth is painful. Deep down nobody wants to hear it, especially when it hits close to home. Sometimes we tell the truth because the truth is all we have to give. Sometimes we tell the truth because we need to say it outloud to hear it for ourselves. And sometimes we tell the truth because we just can't help ourselves. Sometimes, we tell them because we owe them at least that much.
i so can relate!
my friend refers to casino as "stress out". he actually goes to the casino at least once a week. he says he feels refreshed after a hard week at work. i recently told him about playing online casino. and for the past weeks he has skipped going to the casino and has been playing casino online every night. he's so happy since he has a lot of choices online as well in terms of what to play. he plays everyday for an hour and hardly losses. he says he sets a limit in terms of the amount of money he will spend but most often than not he really ends an night by winning. he has promised to treat us out for dinner soon with the earnings he made playing online casino. not only has he saved a lot due to his winnings but at the same time he has saved a lot of money since he does not spend for gas and food anymore.
tagged by dianne
was tagged by dianne!
1. Name one person who made you laugh last night? fulgoso ni marimar.
2. What were you doing at 0800? im assuming this is 8 in the morning so i was taking photos of the stuffed toys im selling.
3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago? doing some online shopping
4. What happened to you in 2006? nothing really special.
5. What was the last thing you said out loud? sira ulo talaga yan si senator *toot*!
6. How many beverages did you have today? coke light only. opps..i have not drank water for the day
7. What color is your hairbrush? brown
8. What was the last thing you paid for? coke light when i asked the househelp to buy before dinner
9. Where were you last night? house
10. What color is your front door? yellow
11. Where do you keep your change? coin purse
12. What’s the weather like today? raining...so cold! love it.
13. What’s the best ice-cream flavor? chocolate, mantecado, strawberry, mango, mocha
14. What excites you? the boracay trip.
15. Do you want to cut your hair? no. im not having a haircut not until i pass the boards.
16. Are you over the age of 25? yep.
17. Do you talk a lot? yeah, only to people i really know.
18. Do you watch the O.C.? no
19. Do you know anyone named Steven? no.
20. Do you make up your own words? sometimes...
21. Are you a jealous person? yes
22. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘A’. arlet and ayette
23. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘K'. karen
24. Who’s the first person on your received call list? tita emma
25. What does the last text message you received say? that tita emma can't go to mandaluyong tomorrow and that she is bringing the documents we need to have signed tomorrow morning at my house.
26. Do you chew on your straw? yes
27. Do you have curly hair? yes. had a rebond a few months ago. want to have it curled soon though. big curls like that of marimar. teehee!
28. Where’s the next place you’re going to? i dunno. maybe bedroom to get some sleep or to study.
29. Who’s the rudest person in your life? !@$?!@
30. What was the last thing you ate? Spaghetti prepared by my aunt. super yummy!
31. Will you get married in the future? hopefully
32. What’s the best movie you’ve seen in the past 2 weeks? sadly, i have not been to the movies lately.
33. Is there anyone you like right now? like as in like? i dunno.
34. When was the last time you did the dishes? hmmm...three weeks ago i think.
35. Are you currently depressed? Not anymore.
36. Did you cry today? yes.
37. Why did you answer and post this? dianne tagged me and it seems entertaining. thanks!
38. Tag 5 people who would do this survey. let me tag the last 5 blogger who left me a message pepe,jody,jean,jane, and kathy
1. Name one person who made you laugh last night? fulgoso ni marimar.
2. What were you doing at 0800? im assuming this is 8 in the morning so i was taking photos of the stuffed toys im selling.
3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago? doing some online shopping
4. What happened to you in 2006? nothing really special.
5. What was the last thing you said out loud? sira ulo talaga yan si senator *toot*!
6. How many beverages did you have today? coke light only. opps..i have not drank water for the day
7. What color is your hairbrush? brown
8. What was the last thing you paid for? coke light when i asked the househelp to buy before dinner
9. Where were you last night? house
10. What color is your front door? yellow
11. Where do you keep your change? coin purse
12. What’s the weather like today? raining...so cold! love it.
13. What’s the best ice-cream flavor? chocolate, mantecado, strawberry, mango, mocha
14. What excites you? the boracay trip.
15. Do you want to cut your hair? no. im not having a haircut not until i pass the boards.
16. Are you over the age of 25? yep.
17. Do you talk a lot? yeah, only to people i really know.
18. Do you watch the O.C.? no
19. Do you know anyone named Steven? no.
20. Do you make up your own words? sometimes...
21. Are you a jealous person? yes
22. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘A’. arlet and ayette
23. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘K'. karen
24. Who’s the first person on your received call list? tita emma
25. What does the last text message you received say? that tita emma can't go to mandaluyong tomorrow and that she is bringing the documents we need to have signed tomorrow morning at my house.
26. Do you chew on your straw? yes
27. Do you have curly hair? yes. had a rebond a few months ago. want to have it curled soon though. big curls like that of marimar. teehee!
28. Where’s the next place you’re going to? i dunno. maybe bedroom to get some sleep or to study.
29. Who’s the rudest person in your life? !@$?!@
30. What was the last thing you ate? Spaghetti prepared by my aunt. super yummy!
31. Will you get married in the future? hopefully
32. What’s the best movie you’ve seen in the past 2 weeks? sadly, i have not been to the movies lately.
33. Is there anyone you like right now? like as in like? i dunno.
34. When was the last time you did the dishes? hmmm...three weeks ago i think.
35. Are you currently depressed? Not anymore.
36. Did you cry today? yes.
37. Why did you answer and post this? dianne tagged me and it seems entertaining. thanks!
38. Tag 5 people who would do this survey. let me tag the last 5 blogger who left me a message pepe,jody,jean,jane, and kathy
when you don't feel happy, shop!
i have a confession to make. i shopped online again. amidst the ranting that i have to save, shopping cheers up a person when sad. so, shop i did. my sister has told me to visit the tobi site and the site is really a shopping haven. i have long wanted to buy jeans. lots of choices online, if i only had more money i could have gotten 3 or 4 pairs. but im not rich and im trying to save for another out of town trip in december. im very particular with my jeans. i had two brand choices for this shopping, seven for all mankind and nudie jeans. it was so hard to choose! it was like taking a medical-surgical exam (exaggeration!) or much difficult than that. i ended up buying from nudie. i have a sevens jeans already, that i dearly love because it's really nice and super expensive (the most expensive that i have!). that's why i ended up on buying the nudie pair to try it out. i have read good reviews about it so might as well try. if things don't go well between the brand and me, at least i know better the next time i go shopping. i promise to get the other pair by christmas time as my christmas gift to myself. shopping is love that i actually feel a bit better now.
im tired soooo tired. too many things going on. i wish the trip to boracay was to happen tomorrow, at least i'll get my mind off things. i really need to focus now on important things like reviewing. but i can't. i pray we get to finish all the required documents for the boards this week. october has never been a good month for me. a few good things are happening and will still happen in the next few days but sometimes i feel that the not so good things out weigh the good things. i wish for october to end.
Oct 22, 2007
some new items at my store. visit me and do some early christmas shopping! :D
some new items at my store. visit me and do some early christmas shopping! :D
online shopping,
i need money, asap!
hahaha, i actually don't. but if someone gives me money now, why not!
i had my share of money issues (who has not!?!). i one time had to pay for my tuition fee for masteral school and i didn't have ready cash available. i actually did not have any intentions of enrolling but at that time since i was in the banking-business industry, getting masteral studies was the next best thing ( later on i realized, it was nursing school i really wanted). i took the entrance exams, got interviewed by the dean and was welcomed to the DLSU-GSB community. enrollment came and i didn't have money to pay for tuition. that was how unprepared i was. lucky me, i had options. either i get a cash advance or apply for a payday loans. i took advantage of the pay day loans since i wanted to make sure whatever i borrow was within my means. the money i needed was immediately deposited into my checking account and the next thing i knew i was reporting for an organizational behavior class already. that was how easy the process was. unlike getting the loan from elsewhere where the approval will take so long. the approval of my loan was within 24 hours and the money was transferred overnight. talk about convenience! this types of loan facilities is something that you could really use for emergencies and shopping (that is an emergency!).
i had my share of money issues (who has not!?!). i one time had to pay for my tuition fee for masteral school and i didn't have ready cash available. i actually did not have any intentions of enrolling but at that time since i was in the banking-business industry, getting masteral studies was the next best thing ( later on i realized, it was nursing school i really wanted). i took the entrance exams, got interviewed by the dean and was welcomed to the DLSU-GSB community. enrollment came and i didn't have money to pay for tuition. that was how unprepared i was. lucky me, i had options. either i get a cash advance or apply for a payday loans. i took advantage of the pay day loans since i wanted to make sure whatever i borrow was within my means. the money i needed was immediately deposited into my checking account and the next thing i knew i was reporting for an organizational behavior class already. that was how easy the process was. unlike getting the loan from elsewhere where the approval will take so long. the approval of my loan was within 24 hours and the money was transferred overnight. talk about convenience! this types of loan facilities is something that you could really use for emergencies and shopping (that is an emergency!).
i have not been able to do some serious studying the past week. to be honest im so concerned that i seem to be slacking off with 39 days before the exam. how do you guys study? my waking up early (3-4am) worked for a few weeks but now, it's not working anymore. i get super sleepy after an hour of reading even if i try to sleep early. i know i should not go online anymore, but sayang the paid opps! teehee. i could use the extra money for christmas. i think too many things on my mind the past few days that's why finishing some reading has been impossible. i used to study sa coffeeshop, i have not tried it recently but will do after i come back from bora. maynilad is doing some work outside (our street) and i am estimating that come november, they'll be right in front of our house already. that would mean too noisy to study. and time to go to starbucks or seattle's or cafe mocha or coffee bean. i have to get back my groove. any suggestions on what i should do?
Oct 19, 2007
hospital facilities
having been exposed to public hospitals, i know and was exposed to the needs of our hospitals in terms of facilities, health care workers and medicines. lucky are those hospitals that get donations from other countries. my uncle who works for a hospital in the states would usually donate hospital beds and healthcare cart to a hospital in bacolod. when you visit the hospital, the carts they use are all imported and really nice. one could only wish that this need of our country, which i think is really immediate be addressed by the government.
colon or more popularly known as the large intestine plays a big part in digestion. it is mainly responsible for storing waste, reclaiming water, maintaining the water balance, and absorbing some vitamins, such as vitamin K. that is why taking supplement for colon cleanse is very important. Co-clean is a cleansing and detoxification supplement that cleanses the body of harmful toxins and other wastes. life is short so might as well make sure you are living a healthy one.
healthy living,
josh grobam with lani misalucha
too bad i don't have the money to watch the josh groban concert ( i always don't have money! have to find work after the boards). ticket prices was really expensive. i was just talking with tita nora, who was lucky enough to get a free ticket for the concert and she was telling me about the josh-lani duet of the prayer. i just had to check you tube if a video was available. when i saw this video, galing talaga! goosebumps while watching.
lani makes you so proud to be a filipino because she is really so good. i think better than regine velasquez.
lani makes you so proud to be a filipino because she is really so good. i think better than regine velasquez.

this is actually my second award from kathy but i unfortunately missed on posting the first one she gave me. thanks for this one sis!
and now, it's time for me to pass it to....jane, peachy, len, and jody
take extra precaution to those who are planning to go to the malls this weekend (sale sa galleria and megamall!). with the bombing that happened in ayala, who knows where it will happen next. good thing i have to review and i don't have the budget to go shopping this weekend.
Oct 18, 2007
i know it's not the perfect time for me to go on a vacation. i have more than a month left before the boards but i can't resist it. for one, it's a free trip and who would say no if it's a trip to BORACAY.

the ticket's arrived today. we will be leaving on the 4th of november. it's just a 3 days 2 nights trip and i will just have to make up in terms of studying when we get back. boracay...here i come! im so excited and i just can't hide it. teehee!
the ticket's arrived today. we will be leaving on the 4th of november. it's just a 3 days 2 nights trip and i will just have to make up in terms of studying when we get back. boracay...here i come! im so excited and i just can't hide it. teehee!
Oct 17, 2007
i want to go to las vegas. well, my cousins promised that they will bring me to vegas when i go to the states. i remember my parents going to vegas a few years back and they stayed at Golden Nugget Las Vegas. from their pictures alone, the hotel was really beautiful! during their stay, my dad thought he won a car as he was playing with the slot machine. he did win, not the car though.
trick or treat?
this decor is especially for mica
when: oct 27,2007
be in your most unique, spooky, funny costume and go home with a prize.
dinuguan, papaitan, and isaw to be served.
see you there!
Oct 16, 2007
love for horses
belinda and i have once talked about going on an equestrian vacation not alone for our love for horses but also because we wanted an equestrian riding apparel. from riding breeches to riding boots, to riding helmets, and horse show clothes. we loved a mikee cojuangco movie wherein she was in an equestrian riding apparel. i remember that one time we went to tagaytay wishing we were wearing a riding apparel instead of our shirt and maong jeans,haha!
skin care
i don't have a daily skin regimen. im just used to washing my face with soap and water but i have to admit that a time comes wherein one should be extra careful and take care of the skin. maybe, just maybe that time has already come for me. since i lack sleep and due to stress my skin is breaking out. considering that it's not even the time of the month to have pimples (i usually have one or two a few days before my cycle)! i currently bought skin care product skinceuticals online as it comes highly recommended by the dermatologist for basic skin care. let's see it this works.
let me just say this.
it's disappointing and totally pisses me when someone says something but does a different thing or does exactly the opposite of what he said.
says he wants coke, but is drinking pepsi.
says he wants white, yet goes for brown.
says he wants to be with the cat but gets caught again and again walking the bitch..opps, dog.
just proves to show that action speaks louder that words. enough said!
it's disappointing and totally pisses me when someone says something but does a different thing or does exactly the opposite of what he said.
says he wants coke, but is drinking pepsi.
says he wants white, yet goes for brown.
says he wants to be with the cat but gets caught again and again walking the bitch..opps, dog.
just proves to show that action speaks louder that words. enough said!
Oct 15, 2007
wonderful journey
We were strangers, starting out on a journey
Never dreaming, what we'd have to go through
Now here we are and I'm suddenly standing
At the beginning with you
No one told me I was going to find you
Unexpected, what you did to my heart
When I lost hope, you were there to remind me
This is the start
And life is a road that I want to keep going
Love is a river, I want to keep flowing
Life is a road, now and forever, wonderful journey
I'll be there when the world stops turning
I'll be there when the storm is through
In the end I wanna be standing
At the beginning with you
We were strangers, on a crazy adventure
Never dreaming, how our dreams would come true
Now here we stand, unafraid of the future
At the beginning with you
Back to Chorus
Knew there was somebody, somewhere
A new love in the dark
Now I know my dream will live on
I've been waiting so long
Nothing is going to tear us apart
In the end I want to be standing
At the beginning with you...
Never dreaming, what we'd have to go through
Now here we are and I'm suddenly standing
At the beginning with you
No one told me I was going to find you
Unexpected, what you did to my heart
When I lost hope, you were there to remind me
This is the start
And life is a road that I want to keep going
Love is a river, I want to keep flowing
Life is a road, now and forever, wonderful journey
I'll be there when the world stops turning
I'll be there when the storm is through
In the end I wanna be standing
At the beginning with you
We were strangers, on a crazy adventure
Never dreaming, how our dreams would come true
Now here we stand, unafraid of the future
At the beginning with you
Back to Chorus
Knew there was somebody, somewhere
A new love in the dark
Now I know my dream will live on
I've been waiting so long
Nothing is going to tear us apart
In the end I want to be standing
At the beginning with you...
Oct 14, 2007
he was walking her home
Looking back
He sees it all
It was her first date the night he came to call
Her dad said son
Have her home on time
And promise me you?ll never leave her side
He took her to a show in town
And he was ten feet off the ground
He was walking her home
And holding her hand
Oh the way she smiled it stole the breath right out of him
Down that old road
With the stars up above
He remembers where he was the night he fell in love
He was walking her home
Ten more years and a waiting room
At half past one
And the doctor said come in and meet your son
His knees went weak
When he saw his wife
She was smiling as she said he?s got your eyes
And as she slept he held her tight
His mind went back to that first night
He was walking her home
And holding her hand
Oh the way she smiled it stole the breath right out of him
Down that old road
With the stars up above
He remembers where he was the night he fell in love
He was walking her home
He walked her through the best days of her life
Sixty years together and he never left her side
A nursing home
At eighty-five
And the doctor said it could be her last night
And the nurse said Oh
Should we tell him now
Or should he wait until the morning to find out
But when they checked her room that night
He was laying by her side
Oh he was walking her home
And holding her hand
Oh the way she smiled when he said this is not the end
And just for a while they were eighteen
And she was still more beautiful to him than anything
He was walking her home
He was walking her home
Looking back
He sees it all
It was her first date the night he came to call
He sees it all
It was her first date the night he came to call
Her dad said son
Have her home on time
And promise me you?ll never leave her side
He took her to a show in town
And he was ten feet off the ground
He was walking her home
And holding her hand
Oh the way she smiled it stole the breath right out of him
Down that old road
With the stars up above
He remembers where he was the night he fell in love
He was walking her home
Ten more years and a waiting room
At half past one
And the doctor said come in and meet your son
His knees went weak
When he saw his wife
She was smiling as she said he?s got your eyes
And as she slept he held her tight
His mind went back to that first night
He was walking her home
And holding her hand
Oh the way she smiled it stole the breath right out of him
Down that old road
With the stars up above
He remembers where he was the night he fell in love
He was walking her home
He walked her through the best days of her life
Sixty years together and he never left her side
A nursing home
At eighty-five
And the doctor said it could be her last night
And the nurse said Oh
Should we tell him now
Or should he wait until the morning to find out
But when they checked her room that night
He was laying by her side
Oh he was walking her home
And holding her hand
Oh the way she smiled when he said this is not the end
And just for a while they were eighteen
And she was still more beautiful to him than anything
He was walking her home
He was walking her home
Looking back
He sees it all
It was her first date the night he came to call
Oct 13, 2007
seriously...mc dream on!
i wish my ate could get me this....

and this....

i super love all the items but they are super expensive also. im still thinking if i should get them because apart from the cost of the shirts, the shipping is also to be considered. but the shirts are really nice. i don't know what to do anymore. i want to buy but a tiny part of me says don't buy.

and this....

i super love all the items but they are super expensive also. im still thinking if i should get them because apart from the cost of the shirts, the shipping is also to be considered. but the shirts are really nice. i don't know what to do anymore. i want to buy but a tiny part of me says don't buy.
mimi's new baby
mimi has been in the states for years and i have not seen her for so long. i remember during the time she was in college, we would usually stay up late just talking about anything and everything. she would often tell me that how she wished she could buy a car. she wanted to buy a car out of her own earnings and just recently that dream came true as she was able to buy a new car, woohoo! she bought herself a black 2007 dodge charger. but after saving up to buy the car, she is again now trying to save up to get some dodge charger accessory for her new baby. i want one too!
i get PMS every month. at least a day before my menstruation, i already drink medicine. i drink on the day before my cycle and another dose on the first day of my cycle. i have recently discovered a really good medicine to give me PMS relief. thank God for medicine's like this or else i would not be able to go about my daily activities due to PMS. what's so good about this NMS medicine, it does not only provide PMS relief but it also helps with any pain.
abc addict
one of the new shoes from abc is pushing daisies. love it! i downloaded the pilot episode already and i really enjoyed watching it. will have to download the other episodes this week, but watching the other episodes will have to wait till december. private practice which is a spin off of grey's anatomy is also nice. another series that caught my attention is who is samantha?. i will try to download pilot episode on tuesaday as the show is yet to premiere tom in the states.
if you are a tv junkie like me, start downloading na. caution: very addicting nga lang.
if you are a tv junkie like me, start downloading na. caution: very addicting nga lang.
Oct 11, 2007
not just another party
tita grace is turning 50 and we are having a party. my cousins have already decided on a date and venue for the party and since it will happen a week before Christmas, invitations are to be sent out early to make sure that guests could reserve the day already for the special occasion since by that time christmas parties would be in full swing already. i have already ordered the invitations online and would be hand carried to manila by a friend who is coming home next month.
earning while blogging,
Oct 5, 2007
Thank you...

October 20 is a special day as it is National Thank You Day!
I was tagged by Annabs for this one.
I thank...
God for all the blessing (and for all the blessing to come).
dad, mom and sisters for EVERYTHING.
for the ate's in the house,for making my life easier ( no household chores!).
my tuano and diaz family for all the good times and for being the best.
ayette, ate emma, arlet and tita mai for making nursing school fun.
to everyone i know--friends, acquaintances, classmates, old office mates, online friends--THANK YOU!
if YOU are reading this, let us celebrate National Thank You Day by making a make a list of people you want to thank. saying thank you is good for the heart. thank you!
pacquiao or barrera
everyone is excited for sunday because of the fight between pacquiao and barrera. being a boxing enthusiast, i am excited too. sadly, i won't be able to watch (except maybe for the replay) as i have to go to manila with peewee for free blood sugar testing for unilab.
everyone has been talking about who is to win, if it will be a knock out or a technical knock out or will they last all 12 rounds and the list just goes on. the people at the gym have already registered through an online betting station to place their bets for the fight. they prefer the online site as it will assure them of a secure online environment and all their needs are met. they have actually been using Bet 365 for some time now, not only for boxing but for online poker. ruben has already assured me that he will treat me to one free boxing session if he gets to win. so im keeping my fingers crossed.
everyone has been talking about who is to win, if it will be a knock out or a technical knock out or will they last all 12 rounds and the list just goes on. the people at the gym have already registered through an online betting station to place their bets for the fight. they prefer the online site as it will assure them of a secure online environment and all their needs are met. they have actually been using Bet 365 for some time now, not only for boxing but for online poker. ruben has already assured me that he will treat me to one free boxing session if he gets to win. so im keeping my fingers crossed.
earning while blogging,
friday is a happy day.
firday is reward day.
that is because friday is grey's anatomy day (for me), woohoo!!
i heart torrent. it's so good to be able to just download the episodes and not wait for the dvd from my suking dvd store. as for my other favorites which are heroes and house, i have decided to just borrow from what my cousin is downloading and just watch it after the boards. december is rewards month! :D
firday is reward day.
that is because friday is grey's anatomy day (for me), woohoo!!
i heart torrent. it's so good to be able to just download the episodes and not wait for the dvd from my suking dvd store. as for my other favorites which are heroes and house, i have decided to just borrow from what my cousin is downloading and just watch it after the boards. december is rewards month! :D
Oct 3, 2007
im a havies girl. i wear them to the malls, church, review...everywhere! i hardly wear shoes. my feet does not like shoes either since im so used to wearing flip flops, i usually end up with blisters if i wear shoes.
i am thinking if i should but a new pair of havaianas (for my collection) or try out the mary jane crocs. everyone in my family has a pair of crocs, except me. my mom recently bought a pair of crocs and she is loving it.
i am thinking if i should but a new pair of havaianas (for my collection) or try out the mary jane crocs. everyone in my family has a pair of crocs, except me. my mom recently bought a pair of crocs and she is loving it.
Oct 2, 2007
cabin rental
i want to go on a vacation! if i could only go on one right now, i would. i'm right now at the middle of reviewing and i so want to go on a vacation because im so tired studying. i don't think i have studied this much my entire life! teehee. so take my mind off "nursing stuff" i just browsed through pigeon forge cabin rental in tennessee. how i would love to go there to enjoy the place and watch dvd series till i drop. i can't wait for december 3!
botox for migraine
one of my closest friends has been suffering from chronic headaches aka migranes for years. she is totally useless when she has migraine attack. she has tried all the medicines she could and has consulted doctors but nothing has really worked for her just yet. when i read about botox for migraines i immediately sent her the link. i read that botox relieves migraines as it relaxes tight muscles according to some study done. i guess this would still undergo more study. but if it does relieve migraines, it will surely help a lot of people.
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