Jan 27, 2009

back to business

i have been wanting to put up a business. i guess even if i have shifted career path a few years ago when i took up nursing, a part of me would still want to have a business of my own in the future. i proud of a college friend who has taken over their family business. it was a business that was put up by her dad and was later on managed by her older sister. that sister got married a few years back and after getting pregnant last year has announced her retirement. they thought of either selling the business or just closing it down since my friend was too scared to manage it. with much convincing though and with the support of her family and friends, she has decided to manage the business. she has been doing so and has been making a lot of changes which is definitely and improvement with a new digital signage in their shops. six months into managing the business, and i can say she is doing pretty well. it has not been an easy road for her, especially with the economic crisis but it has not been all bad either. she serves as an inspiration to us her friends.

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