Nov 18, 2008

QOTW #40

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1. What measures have you taken to cut back expenses?
- i don't window/online shop as i always end up buying something i don't really need.
2. Have you ever bought a book and used the receipt as a bookmark?
- yes. when i bought the book PS I Love You by celia ahern, i was so excited to read it so while waiting for my parents to come out of the movie house i started reading it and i ended up using the receipt as a bookmark when they came out of the movie house.
3. Can you recall any traumatic, embarrassing or troubling events as a child that
you still remember vividly? If so, care to share?
- i was in kinder school so around 4-5 years old when i had my first and only hospitalization. i got sick with i don't know what (i was too young pa to care) but i remember the doctors having a hard time inserting my IV. 2-3 people would have to hold me for them to insert one plus they were having problems in locating veins where they could insert it. not only that, my IV would always get dislodged. i was crying so hard all the time.
4. What is the strangest question you have ever been asked at a job interview?
- what my favorite color is.
5. Does it make you uncomfortable if a woman is breastfeeding her baby in public?
- when i was younger, yes.
6. Do you know anyone who has an unpredictable temper? Who?
- yes, my ex-manager.
7. What did you have to learn “the hard way”?
- a lot. most learnings about life and love was learned the hardway.
8. Have you ever been dishonest about the origin of a bruise?
- nope.
9. Have you ever gotten any kind of envelope in the mail without the senders return address? Did you found out who it was from?
- nope.
10. It’s our 40th QOTW. I am giving away something. Can you tell me why should I give it to you? It’s just a little something to spice up this little Meme!
- because i have never won anything my entire life when it comes to contests, raffles, or things like this (parang super loser ako sa answer ko, teehee!).

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