Feb 28, 2008

fun, fun friday!

I'm having a cup of taho from our suki on this cool breezy Friday morning. I have a lot of work to be done and I want to have everything finished by today the latest tomorrow. I want to do new things by Monday and we do need new people on the team. That means i really need to finish my pending tasks...no more procrastinating. I will do my paid opps Saturday night. I have a few pending and one just expired. tsk.tsk.

I hope it does night rain or drizzle tonight as we (friends from nursing school) are celebrating our success tonight with a potluck dinner here at my house. The maids are already cleaning the garden and mom is to buy crabs and sugpo from macapagal later. This is the first time we will see each other after the results of the boards and we are all excited. We originally planned to have it last Sunday but moved it to today since ayette only came back from the US last Tuesday.

Happy friday everyone!

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