Blessed 2007 to everyone!
the last 2 weeks of December has been busy. i finally had my long awaited Christmas break. It has been short but still enough to recharge me for the grueling months to come at school.
the annual TuaƱo Christmas party for 2007 was super fun as usual. everyone (in Manila) was here to party at our house. we had games, exchange gift, kainan and inuman (i didn't drink though, and i didn't also for new year! yey!)

the week after Christmas marked my last week in the office. it was a tough decision. i didn't want to resign but my mom has been bugging me to resign for almost a year now. with the schedule of lectures, review and clinical rotation in the next few months i had to give in and finally decide on resigning. it was a busy week at work. and before i even knew it, last day ko na. on my last day my team had breakfast at heaven and eggs in tomas morato. i will miss seeing my office friends but then again i know that we will always be friends. i will miss you guys!

and to end the year we partied in MAKATI.
like Christmas, to welcome the new year has been a tradition for the family. so we all trooped to the penthouse of mica's condo to welcome the new year. at around 10PM we went to check the party scene at ayala. only a few came so i don't know where they based the news that libo-libo came. we went back to the condo past 11 to make sure we were with the oldies to welcome 2007.

. i had a haircut. when i told the hairstylist of what i wanted he/she said "nagpagupit ka pa!" teehee. i told her to cut half of half an inch only. but i think he/she did cut almost an inch off my hair.

more holiday pictures are posted
here but
i think 2007 is going to be a good year for me, not that 2006 has not been as it has been so-so.

teehee! it pays to be still using dial up. i have really opted on using dial up since i do get to access the internet from the office. but now, i think i have to start on talking to my mom about getting dsl.
i know that 2007 has a lot in store for me. it's going to be very busy especially during the first half of the year, but im so ready for it. Here's to a year of blessings and endless possibilities (parang globe ad!).
Welcome 2007, Bring it on!