Jul 4, 2005

called up mcdo before 12mn and ordered the following:

2 chesseburger meal- upsize the drink and fries
1 burger mcdo meal

after an hour of waiting...delivery finally arrives. signed whatever needs to be signed and was uberly excited to eat the cheeseburger. but when we opened the bag what i see is 3 mc chicken sandwiches. huh! what happened to my chesseburger? but due to hunger, we ate the sandwiches and i called up mc do and told them that if i still owe them since i got 3 mc chicken sandwiches, to have someone get the money from my house. i don't want to end up with an upset stomach just because i ate something i didn't pay for. when the delivery boy comes back. he has with him 2 cheeseeburger sandwiches and a burger mcdo sandwich. sabay sabi na "inyo na din ito ma'am". AYOS! and he had a paper bag with 2 large fries and a regular sized fries.

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